Chapter One Development summary of thermal insulation material industry 1
Section One Concept of thermal insulation material 1
First, definition of thermal insulation material 1
Second, characteristic of thermal insulation material 1
Third, classification of thermal insulation material 1
Section Two Application market analysis of thermal insulation material 2
First, application of polyurethane thermal insulation material 2
Second, current situation of ceramic fibre trade of our country 2
Third, application of VIP super thermal insulation material 2
Section Three Development summary of China thermal insulation material industry 3
First, development course of China thermal insulation material industry 3
Second, market scale of China thermal insulation material industry 3
Third, the problem that China thermal insulation material industry faces 4
Fourth, current situation of the development of China thermal insulation material industry 4
Chapter Two Development analysis of global thermal insulation material industry 6
Section One Development orbit survey of international thermal insulation material industry 6
First, development course of international thermal insulation material industry 6
Second, background and trend of research and development of heat insulatant thermal insulation material 7
Section Two Market situation of world thermal insulation material industry 8
First, market scale of global green building material in 2010 8
Second, market demand of global thermal insulation material in 2010 8
Third, demand analysis of global thermal insulation material in 2011 9
Section Three Development state of thermal insulation material industry of some countries and regions 10
First, development analysis of American-European thermal insulation material industry in 2009-2010 10
Second, development analysis of India thermal insulation material industry in 2009-2010 10
Third, development analysis of Russia thermal insulation material industry in 2009-2010 11
Fourth, analysis of Romanian thermal insulation material industry in 2009-2010 11
Chapter Three Development analysis of thermal insulation material industry of our country 13
Section One Technology development analysis of thermal insulation material industry 13
First, security analysis of external thermal insulation system 13
Second, comparison analysis of performance of organic and inorganic building thermal insulation material 14
Third, technology development trend of external thermal insulation of external wall and heat insulatant coating 15
Fourth, the trends of research and development of thermal insulation material industry in 2010 16
Section Two Development state of thermal insulation material industry of our country 17
First, development retrospect of China thermal insulation material industry in 2008 17
Second, market analysis of thermal insulation of building wall at home in 2009 19
Third, development analysis of China thermal insulation material market in 2010 21
Fourth, production and demand situation analysis of thermal insulation material market in 2010 21
Section Three Supply and demand analysis of China thermal insulation material industry 23
First, pipeline thermal insulation drive thermal insulation material industry to develop 23
Second, demand analysis of Chinese building coating market in 2010 24
Third, demand analysis of China polyurethane for building in 2010 25
Fourth, demand analysis of central air conditioner thermal insulation material in 2010 26
Fifth, analysis of equilibrium of supply and demand of thermal insulation material market in 2010 27
Chapter Four Economical operation analysis of thermal insulation material industry 28
Section One Analysis of the income from sales of market of China thermal insulation material industry in 2009-2010 28
First, analysis of the total income from sales of market of China thermal insulation material industry in 2009-2010 28
Second, analysis of total income from sales of different scale enterprise 29
Third, comparison of the total income from sales of different ownership enterprise 29
Section Two Product cost analysis of China thermal insulation material industry in 2009-2010 30
First, cost total value analysis of China thermal insulation material industry in 2009-2010 30
Second, comparison analysis of cost of goods sold of different scale enterprise 33
Third, comparison analysis of cost of goods sold of different ownership enterprise 34
Section Three Total profit analysis of China thermal insulation material industry in 2009-2010 35
First, total profit analyis of China thermal insulation material industry in 2009-2010 35
Second, comparison analysis of total profit of different scale enterprise 36
Third, comparison analysis of total profit of different ownership enterprise 36
Section Four Output analysis of thermal insulation material industry in 2008-2010 37
First, output analysis of thermal insulation material of our country in 2008 37
Second, output analysis of thermal insulation material of our country in 2009 38
Third, output analysis of thermal insulation material of our country in 2010 38
Chapter Five Imports and exports analysis of thermal insulation material industry of our country 40
Section One Imports and exports analysis of thermal insulation material in 2008-2009 40
First, analysis of amount of money of imports and exports in 2008-2009 40
Second, quantity analysis of imports and exports in 2008-2009 40
Section Two Import analysis of thermal insulation material in 2008-2009 41
First, analysis of amount of money of inport in 2008-2009 41
Second, quantity analysis of import in 2008-2009 42
Section Three Export analysis of thermal insulation material in 2008-2009 42
First, analysis of amount of money of export in 2008-2009 42
Second, quantity analysis of export in 2008-2009 43
Chapter Six Development analysis of polyurethane material 44
Section One Relevant introductions of polyurethane material 44
First, brief introduction of polyurethane material 44
Second, introduction of industry chain of polyurethane 44
Third, four kinds of forms that polyurethane is used for thermal insulation of enternal wall 44
Fourth, performance analysis of polyurethane thermal insulation material for building 45
Section Two Development overview of polyurethane material 45
First, it is of great significance to popularize and develop polyurethane material 45
Second, opportunity and challenge which China polyurethane material development faces 46
Third, polyurethane material will lead China thermal insulation building material market 46
Fourth, policy accelerate application paces of polyurethane material 47
Section Three Development of polyurethane rigid foam 47
First, summaries of ten major advantages of polyurethane rigid foam 48
Second, performance and application of polyurethane foaming plastic 48
Third, application of domestic and international polyurethane foaming plastic and current situation of building thermal insulation field 49
Fourth, HCFCs forbiddance makes polyurethane rigid foam trade face the new test 50
Section Four Choice of polyurethane of freezer thermal insulation material 51
First, thermal insulation performance of polyurethane thermal insulation material in the freezer 51
Second, foam size stability of polyurethane thermal insulation material in the freezer 52
Third, service life of polyurethane foam of freezer thermal insulation material 52
Chapter Seven Development analysis of wall thermal insulation 54
Section One Development overview of wall material 54
First, brief introduction of wall thermal insulation 54
Second, development analysis of wall thermal insulation material 54
Third, development of China's main wall thermal insulation material products remains to improve 55
Fourth, wall thermal insulation say good-bye to organic era 55
Fifth, analysis of inorganic enternal wall thermal insulation material 56
Sixth, the newest market analysis of two kinds of wall thermal insulation and energy-conserving system 56
Seventh, analysis of wall thermal insulation material of new silicate 57
Section Two Interior thermal insulation of external wall 58
First, the technological system of interior thermal insulation of external wall 58
Second, summary of slurry of interior thermal insulation of external wall of China 59
Third, the question that must be paid attention to interior thermal insulation of external wall 60
Fourth, technical application of interior thermal insulation of external wall i have a bright futurei 61
Section Three Summary of external thermal insulation of external wall 62
First, brief introduction of external thermal insulation system of external wall 62
Second, basic demand of external thermal insulation of external wall 62
Third, main advantage of external thermal insulation of external wall 64
Section Four Development analysis of external thermal insulation of external wall 65
First, development course of external thermal insulation of external wall of our country 65
Second, development analysis of domestic and international external thermal insulation of external wall simply 66
Third, technology of China external thermal insulation of external wall has already entered developing stage of leap-type 66
Fourth, China external thermal insulation of external wall market faces the opportunity for development 67
Chapter Eight Development of other thermal insulation material 68
Section One Mineral wool 68
First, biref history of development of mineral wool material 68
Second, development course of mineral wool material of our country 69
Third, current development situation of world mineral wool industry 70
Fourth, development prediction of world mineral wool trade 71
Fifth, current development situation of mineral wool industry of our country 71
Sixth, development prospect and trend of mineral wool industry of our country 72
Section Two Glass wool 72
First, application of centrifugal glass wool in the construction 72
Second, application and prospect of centrifugal glass wool in the power industry 73
Third, application analysis of centrifugal glass wool in industrial thermal insulation field 74
Fourth, requirement forecasting of American glass wool market 74
Section Three Expanded pearlite 74
First, brief introduction of expanded pearlite 74
Second, advantage of external wall thermal insulation system of new pearlite 75
Third, application development analysis of the new expanded pearlite 76
Section Four Foaming plastic thermal insulation material 77
First, phenolic aldehyde foaming plastic is fast growing 77
Second, phenolic aldehyde foaming plastic have multiple advantages 78
Third, phenolic aldehyde foaming plastic fully develop talents in all loud field 79
Section Five Cellular glass 80
First, the cellular glass is the new construction material with many kinds of fine performance 80
Second, application field of cellular glass in domestic and international market 82
Third, cellular glass has very good market prospects 82
Fourth, advantage of project construction 84
Section Six Thermal insulation coating 88
First, research progress of domestic and international different thermal insulation coating 88
Second, the main developing direction of thermal insulation coating 89
Third, thermal insulation coating have a bright future in Chinese building energy-conservation 89
Fourth, the development opportunity of thermal insulation coating 89
Chapter Nine Development analysis of related industries 91
SectionOneBuilding material trade 91
First, construction promote demand of thermal insulation material to increase 91
Second, running situation analysis of the building material trade of 2009 91
Third, output situation analysis of the building material trade of 2009 94
Fourth, operation situation analysis of the building material trade of 2010 95
Section Two Coating trade 96
First, development analysis of coating trade of our country in 2009 96
Second, output analysis of building coating of our country in 2009 96
Third, output analysis of building coating of our country in 2010 97
Fourth, current development situation and prospect of coating industry in2010 98
Chapter Ten Competition pattern analysis of thermal insulation material industry 99
Section One Current competition situation analysis of thermal insulation material market 99
First, current competition situation analysis of thermal insulation material market 99
Second, competitive strategy analysis of thermal insulation material industry 100
Third, competitiveness analysis of thermal insulation enterprises in 2009 101
Section Two Competition analysis of thermal insulation material market in 2010 102
First, thermal insulation material market's competitiveness in 2010 102
Second, salable rank of thermal insulation material market in 2010 104
Third, market share of thermal insulation material in 2010 105
Section Three Competition situation analysis of thermal insulation material industry 107
First, utilization rate of polyurethane thermal insulation material 107
Second, competition situation of wall thermal insulation trade in 2010 107
Third, competition situation of thermal insulation material market in 2010-2015 108
Chapter Eleven Competitive strategy analysis of thermal insulation material enterprises 110
Section One Market competitive strategy of leading person of thermal insulation material 110
First, safeguard the high-quality image 110
Second, expand total demand of the market 110
Third, protect market share 111
Fourth, expand market share 111
Section Two Market competitive strategy of challenger of thermal insulation material 112
First, frontal attack 112
Second, flank attack 112
Third, encirclement attack 113
Fourth, bypass attack 113
Fifth, guerrilla war 113
Chapter Twelve Competition analysis of main thermal insulation material enterprises 114
Section One Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. 114
First, enterprise's overview 114
Second, financial analysis in 2009-2010 114
Third, management state in 2009-2010 115
Section Two Nanjing Hongbaoli Co.,Ltd 116
First, enterprise's overview 116
Second, financial analysis in 2009-2010 116
Third,management state in 2009-2010 118
Section Three Shuangliang Air Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd 119
First, enterprise's overview 119
Second, financial analysis in 2009-2010 119
Third,management state in 2009-2010 121
Section Four Shanghai Broadway packaging & insulation material Co.,Ltd 121
First, enterprise's overview 121
Second, business scope 122
Third, future prospect 122
Section Five Hebei Huamei Group 122
First, enterprise's overview 122
Second, development trends in 2010 123
Third, application of World Expo of 2010 123
Section Six Shandong Tengzhou Huahai group 123
First, enterprise's overview 124
Second, competition advantage 124
Third, development trends in 2010 124
Section Seven Development analysis of other thermal insulation material enterprises 125
First, K-FLEX Rhein (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd 125
Second, Zhejiang Yuanda Fiberglass Mesh Co., Ltd 125
Third, Langfang Jinxing thermal insulation material limited company 126
Fourth, ChengDu YaEn Scientific and Technical Industry Co.Ltd 126
Fifth, Nantong Haijia Composited Material Co.Ltd 127
Chapter Thirteen Develops trend analysis of thermal insulation material industry 128
Section One Development prospect analysis of thermal insulation material industry 128
First, development prospect of enternal wall thermal insulation material industry 128
Second, prospects of polyurethane building thermal insulation material market 128
Third, development prospect of foam concrete thermal insulation material 128
Fourth, development prospect analysis of spraying fire-proof material 129
Fifth, development prospect analysis of tunnel fire-proof coating 129
Section Two Development situation analysis of China thermal insulation material industry 2010-2015 130
First, China and the United States' economic dialogue will be helped and pushed away on polyurethane rigid foam market in 2010 131
Second, situation analysis of sales volume and export of polyurethane soft foam in 2010 131
Third, development situation of building energy-conserving and thermal insulation material in 2010-2015 132
Fourth, thermal insulation material enterprise is benefited by energy-conservation examination in 2010-2015 133
Fifth, the sector planning of building material in 2010-2015 133
Chapter Fourteen Development prediction of thermal insulation material industry in the future 134
Section One Market prediction of global insulating thermal insulation material in 2012 134
First, market prediction of thermal insulation material of every area in 2010-2015 134
Second, market prediction of all kinds of thermal insulation material in 2010-2015 135
Third, demand and increasing of global thermal insulation material in 2010-2015 135
Section Two Development trend prediction of thermal insulation material industry in 2010 136
First, forecast of growth of global green construction market in 2010 136
Second, demand forecast of growth of global MDI market in 2010 136
Third, prediction of polyurethane thermal insulation market in the second half of 2010 137
Fourth, development trend of polyurethane thermal insulation material of our country in 2010 137
Section Three Market trend of China thermal insulation material in 2010-2015 137
First, development trend of the building energy-conserving market in 2010-2015 137
Second, trend analysis of thermal insulation material market in 2010-2015 138
Third, development trend of refractory material industry of 2010-2015 139
Fourth, standardization of polyurethane thermal insulation trade in 2010-2015 140
Chapter Fifteen Investment environmental analysis of thermal insulation material industry 141
Section One Investment current situation analysis of thermal insulation material industry 141
First, government invest in building thermal insulation field in 2009 141
Secod, investment trend of thermal insulation material industry in 2010 141
Section Two Environmental analysis of the macroeconomy 142
First, development analysis of China's macroscopical economic of 2009 142
Second, operation analysis of China's industrial economy of 2009 143
Section Three Environmental analysis of the policies and regulations 144
First, thermal insulation material waits for the advantage of building energy-conserving policy quietly 144
Second, policy analysis of circulation and utilization of waste thermal insulation material 145
Third, building energy-conserving policy benefit thermal insulation material enterprise 146
Section Four Environmental analysis of the social development 147
First, social environmental analysis of our country 'Eleventh Five-Year Plan' period 147
Second, consumption analysis of resident of our country in 2008-2009 148
Third, living standard of residents of our country in 2009-2010 149
Chapter Sixteen Investment chance and risk of thermal insulation material industry 150
Section One Thermal insulation material project that can make the investment 150
First, project of rock wool thermal insulation material 150
Second, project of polyurethane thermal insulation material 150
Third, project of building thermal insulation material 151
Section Two Investment chance analysis of thermal insulation material industry 152
Firsth, the investment chance analysis of building material going to the countryside in 2010 152
Second, investment chance analysis of thermal insulation material in the "eleventh five-year plan" period 153
Third, the chance that the building thermal insulation material brings to polyurethane industry 153
Section Three Investment risk analysis of thermal insulation material industry 154
First, ability that the trade resists risk 154
Second, risk factor of industry in 2009-2012 155
Third, the legal risk that march into the international market 155
Chapter Seventeen Investment strategic research of thermal insulation material industry 157
Section One Development strategic research of thermal insulation material industry 157
First, technological development strategy 157
Second, industry's strategical planning 157
Third, business combination strategy 158
Fourth, marketing strategical planning 158
Fifth, regional strategical planning 159
Section Two Brand strategical analysis of thermal insulation material industry 159
First, importance of enterprise's brand 159
Second, meaning that thermal insulation material implements the brand strategy 160
Third, strategic analysis of brand value of thermal insulation material 160
Fourth, brand development strategy of thermal insulation material enterprise 161
Fifth, brand competitive strategy of thermal insulation material industry 161
Section Three Investment strategic research of building material trade of our country 162
First, investment valuation and suggestion of building material trade 162
Second, investment tactics of building material trade of 2009 163
Third, investment tactics of building material trade of 2010 163
Fourth, development tactics of building material trade of 2010 163
Chart: EPS board external thermal insulation system and minimum standard of bonding intensity of every material interface 13
Chart: The performance contrast of two kinds of thermal insulation material 14
Chart: Sales value of Chinese refractory material products manufacturing industry in 2009-2010 28
Chart: Sales value of different scale enterprise of Chinese refractory material products manufacturing industry in 2009-2010 29
Chart: Sales value of different ownership enterprises of Chinese refractory material products manufacturing industry in 2009-2010 29
Chart: Cost of Chinese refractory material products manufacturing industry in 2009-2010 30
Chart: Core business cost of different scale enterprises of Chinese refractory material products manufacturing industry in 2009-2010 33
Chart: Core business cost of different ownership enterprises of Chinese refractory material products manufacturing industry in 2009-2010 34
Chart: Total profit of Chinese refractory material products manufacturing industry in 2009-2010 35
Chart: Total profit of different scale enterprises of Chinese refractory material products manufacturing industry in 2009-2010 36
Chart: Total profit of different ownership enterprise of Chinese refractory material products manufacturing industry in 2009-2010 36
Chart: National total of output of refractory material products in January - December of 2008 37
Chart: National total of output of foaming plastic in January - December of 2008 37
Chart: National total of output of refractory material products in January - December of 2009 38
Chart: National total of output of foaming plastic in January - December of 2009 38
Chart: National total of output of refractory material products in January - June of 2010 39
Chart: National total of output of foaming plastic in January - June of 2010 39
Chart: Amount of money of imports and exports of heat insulation and sound insulation material (mineral wool etc.) of our country in January - December of 2008 40
Chart: Amount of money of imports and exports of polyurethane of our country in January - December of 2008 40
Chart: Quantity of imports and exports of heat insulation and sound insulation material (mineral wool etc.) of our country in January - December of 2008 40
Chart: Quantity of imports and exports of polyurethane of our country in January - December of 2008 41
Chart: Amount of money of import of heat insulation and sound insulation material (mineral wool etc.) of our country in January - December of 2008 41
Chart: Amount of money of import of polyurethane of our country in January - December of 2008 41
Chart: Import quantity of heat insulation and sound insulation material (mineral wool etc.) of our country in January - December of 2008 42
Chart: Import quantity of polyurethane of our country in January - December of 2008 42
Chart: Amount of money of export of heat insulation and sound insulation material (mineral wool etc.) of our country in January - December of 2008 42
Chart: Amount of money of export polyurethane of our country in January - December of 2008 43
Chart: Export quantity of heat insulation and sound insulation material (mineral wool etc.) of our country in January - December of 2008 43
Chart: Export quantity of polyurethane of our country in January - December of 2008 43
Chart: National total of economic indicator of nonmetal mineral products industry in January - December of 2009 92
Chart: National total output of the cement in January - December of 2009 95
Chart: National total output of cement chamotte in January - December of 2009 95
Chart: National total output of the commercially available concrete in January - December of 2009 95
Chart: National total output of coating in January - December of 2009 97
Chart: National total output of building coating in January - December of 2009 97
Chart: National total output of coating in January - April of 2010 97
Chart: National total output of building coating in January - April of 2010 97
Chart: Competitiveness index of thermal insulation material enterprises in 2010 103
Chart: Statistical chart of competitiveness of thermal insulation material market in 2010 103
Chart: Salable index of products of thermal insulation material enterprise in 2010 104
Chart: Statistical chart of salable rank of thermal insulation material market in 2010 105
Chart: market share of thermal insulation material enterprises in 2010 106
Chart: Statistical chart of market share of thermal insulation material in 2010 106
Chart: Main management form of Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. in 2009-2010 114
Chart: Analysis of index of per share of Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Co., Ltd. in 2009-2010 115
Chart: Main management form of Nanjing Hongbaoli Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 116
Chart: Analysis of index of per share of Nanjing Hongbaoli Co.,Ltd in 2009-2010 117
Chart: Main management form of Shuangliang Air Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd in 2009-2010 119
Chart: Analysis of index of per share of Shuangliang Air Conditioning Equipment Co., Ltd in 2009-2010 120
Chart: Demand and annual growth of insulating thermal insulation material in the whole world in 2007-2012 135
Chart: Gross domestic product of 2005-2009 143
Chart: Categorised index of consumption price of the residents of our country in December of 2009 149
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